What We DO

GDCO was founded by a group of Ethiopians who felt strongly that they need to contribute their share to the socioeconomic development of the people of Ethiopia with a special focus on the youth population.

Given the enormity of the challenges in Ethiopiaā€™s development, the founders chose to focus on the Gondar sub-region. With a population estimated at more than 6 million, Gondar was formerly known as Begemider and Siemen.

Gondar city known as the Camelot of Ethiopia is in northwest part of Ethiopia. Founded by Emperor Fasilides in 1636 the City of Gondar served as Ethiopiaā€™s capital from 1632 to 1855. Gondar is reputed to be one of the cradles of Ethiopian civilization.


Please see links below for the annual report on GDCO activities and performance.

[pdf-embedder url="https://gondev.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/ScholarshipReport2008-2009.pdf" toolbarfixed="on" width="500"]